
Friday 26 July 2013


Slight rise of the river level on the 23rd due to localised thunder storms up the valley with a fair amount of road washings going in making the water a little on the murky side. The trout were feeding quite well through all this and there were a fair number of salmon moving on the lower river due to the fresh influx of water and along with the big tides which will peak on the 25th.


The odd salmon or two coming to mainly bait fishers searching the deeper water, a lot of salmon movement at night along with sea trout. The water is a little cooler at 68oF and running at just below summer level. There are some very big trout making an appearance on dark to sedge and spinner patterns. Like everywhere else the river needs a good rise of water to clear the decaying algae from the river bed and to cool things down some before we see good conditions return.

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Come along for a chat and entertainment on the Fishing Island at Lowther Show

10/11th August