
Friday, 8 June 2012


The trout fishing on the Eden has picked up a little during the middle of the day with the cooler weather. There is plenty of insect life about and now the blue winged olives are joining the multitude already on the go. The first week of June the water has been very clear and low, the salmon fishing has slowed right down with the conditions at present.

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During the afternoon of the 5th, rain has entered the county along with a south westerly and should give the river levels a well needed lift and cool things down.

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The sea trout numbers are increasing very nicely with fish from one and a half to four pounds showing on a regular basis.

After some heavy showers overnight and through the morning of the 6th, the river level only rose a couple of inches as the ground is very dry. The small but very important rise has cooled the water temperature from 64oF to 56oF. There are now hatches once more during the day, the trout are going at it like there is no tomorrow.

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A wet day on the 7th; a complete contrast to the day before regarding both insect and fish activity although the temperatures are similar. The trout are responding very well to small nymphs and North Country spiders, there is not much showing on the surface.

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Wet weather continued through the day of the 8th, the river has only risen by a couple of inches. There are some good sea trout coming off the tides now with many taking nymphs during the daytime. Night fishing is very good for sea trout with the warm temperatures and overcast skies. One or two salmon reported here and there to the fly and fish entering the river off most tides. Brown trout fishing is still very good.

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