
Saturday 4 May 2013


A little rain on the 3rd overnight put a couple of inches on the level the next day with no colour. There are salmon and sea trout coming off each tide and moving through the pools now which is encouraging; they are not in the best of taking moods for some reason this week.

Massive hatches of Grannom around the mid-day period and the odd flurry of olives, with this very cool and strong south-westerly wind the trout are not totally committing to surface feeding just yet.

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On the river with Andy today from Yorkshire, his brothers Richard and James had set this up for his 40th. The day was an absolute pleasure, to look up and see two Ospreys and a Buzzard having a bit of an aerial barney with a kestrel looking on was indeed a rare sight. 

Andy 002

It was Andy’s first time fly-fishing on a river, after mastering Spey casting with a trout rod in the morning it was not long before he was casting with the double hander with much aplomb and shooting plenty of line into the bargain. Although the river conditions were as good as they get for fly fishing on the lower river and a few fish passing through, it was not to be today.