
Tuesday, 3 July 2012


The 29th was totally unfishable, by the 30th the river began to clear a little and the levels drop upstream of Carlisle and a few fish were taken on the spinner.

Better water conditions on the middle river now with decent clarity especially above the Croglin, there have been some good hatches of invertebrates and one or two trout showing an interest. Some smaller salmon amongst larger fish around the six to eight pounds are beginning to show up now carrying sea lice, most fish taken on the spinner.

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The weather forecast for the week is again set to be unsettled. The river is very fishable above Carlisle now on the 1st and the lower river still holding a good height and colour and should come in good the next day or so weather permitting. There were some good fish reported today on the spinner, so far this season it has just far exceeded all expectations. The tides are building up in height this week in the afternoons which will curtail the fishing for a couple of hours each day on the beats downstream of Carlisle.

The water condition on the middle river is just about right for the fly on the 2nd, persistent rain through the afternoon will no doubt change that the way the ground is at the moment. One or two fish are showing an interest, but on the whole a very quiet day on the river.

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The water level on the 3rd has risen by two feet overnight and is very coloured with it. A couple of salmon and sea trout to the spinner reported but the trout fishing at present is non-existent. The river level is dropping and clearing during the late afternoon, alas there is more rain forecast tonight.

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Fishing had to be off the bankside today.