
Monday, 26 March 2012

River Eden.

The salmon fishing has slowed down somewhat due to the low river levels, the next rise of water should see a further run enter the river.

Stephen 004

The trout fishing is picking up very nicely, a few are starting to rise to brook duns and large darks in the early afternoons. Also remarkable is the big flurry of March browns we have witnessed all week up and down the Eden which have not been seen for quite some time.

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Paul 017 The quality of the trout is quite exceptional and they have seemed to over winter very well, more grayling are making an appearance also.

Alan 023

Although there has been no cloud cover or wind this week, the fish are responding well to wets and dries in the more broken water. During the late evening the air temperature drops very suddenly which soon puts paid to any reliable fishing.

Alan 027

Water temperature at 48oF, bright skies and very clear low water.