
Saturday, 29 October 2011

River Eden

Not a great deal to write about of late, the weather continues to be very unsettled and with the end of the Eden salmon season a bit of a washout. Over the last two weeks, when the river has been low enough there has been some very good grayling fishing. We just need some low and clear water now for some consistent sport, the weather forecast for the next two weeks would not suggest that we are going to get that.

I spent some time on the Tweed last week, initially on the first part of the trip the water was warm and fish (there were plenty showing) hard to come by, there was then a flood along with cooler weather and the fish began to respond, it says it all.

A very good salmon summit held by the Eden Rivers Trust last weekend at Scotby, some very eminent speakers there talking about the genetics of salmon, it has certainly changed my outlook on things.

I am off the Annan tomorrow for the Kirkwood salmon school with Anthony Steel and Mark Bowler, looking very much forward to it, always a great week. There is rain forecast once more though and I just hope that this does not spoil what could be potentially a very good week on the river. The Annan has fished pretty well of late and we are hoping that just maybe with the lower water temperatures, a run of salmon might just happen.

The AAPGAI assessments and open day are going on at Builth Wells and by all accounts it has been a great success, (maybe I should stay away more often), check it out for other info also -

Why wait until the season starts next year and struggle with your casting when there are fish around, get it sorted now in the close season so you have a flying start. The Annan and Nith are still open for salmon until the end of November, on the Eden we have some good grayling fishing to look at over the winter; don't hang up the rods yet you will just get jobs around the house to do!