
Sunday, 18 September 2011

River Eden

During September, we have had many rises of water on the Eden due to the unusual wet climate, I have had to cancel more than half the days on the river this month due to this, than I should have normally. There are fish running, but not the numbers of salmon that we are used to seeing at this time of year. Next week is the acid test for this, as we generally get the big autumn run near the equinox period, the big question is, have we had the runs of fish early, or are they just running later like the grilse have this year? We will have to wait and see.

The water temperature was at one point 18oC and now has dropped to 13oC, it really needs to be lower for the time of year. The water is fining down nicely at present and we just need a longer dry spell now for it to come good again, fingers crossed.

For those of you who are concerned about the numbers of fish-eating birds, the saw bills on our rivers and the numbers of parr or potential trout and salmon they are consuming, you need to have a look at this site and do your thing - 

What will come of the data in years to come, I do not know, but I do know that if we do nothing, nothing will change!