
Sunday 21 March 2010

River Eden

The steady light rain yeasterday has brought the river levels up by one foot with a little colour today after the two weeks of summer height, had this been in the warmer months, the fishing with these ideal conditions would have been fantastic. The water temperature is still cold at around the 40oF mark and the salmon are less inclined to travel far until it goes up another couple of degrees, saying that there have been a few early sea trout showing themselves thirty miles upstream from the estuary.
There have been a few more salmon taken on the lower river of late with the biggest at 16 pounds; very encouraging. Jim Curry and I are running a two day salmon fishing course at Warwick Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday, there seems to be just the right amount of rain to make it very interesting for the right conditions fingers crossed.
Insect activity not into any sort of gear yet with the cool water but looking very much forward to some decent sport with the trout when it does kick in, Large Darks the first ones to show that are of interest to the fish.
Out today casting with Julian and Tony on the middle river which went very well, and a hot bacon butty was thrown in for good measure! Happy day's!